How to Win an Online Argument
November 12, 2022
The answer: You can’t. Don’t try to—ever!
Why this isn’t this obvious to all? Yet we all (that includes me) are often sucked into a heated online argument at some point. Political ones are particularly nasty.
Don’t try to “win”. There are no winners in online arguments. Only losers. If your argument is with someone you know in business or life, here’s a wise suggestion–call/meet with them and talk. Good old-fashioned talk is more often the way to solve an issue. And if you’re open to listening and understanding their perspective, it might change how you think (and hopefully vice versa).
PS: This is my shortest Struming, but perhaps my wisest. As I age, I understand that Less is More.
More Strumings
- “When Will You Retire, Lonny?”
- How to Win an Online Political Argument
- The Day Anne Murray Got Bruuuuuuuced.
- The Older I Get the More Liberal (and Conservative) I Get