
Welcome to Strumings, the Strum Consulting Group blog which is our opportunity to share thoughts about marketing, business, and occasionally about the 27-time World Champion, New York Yankees. Feedback, thoughts and ideas are always appreciated. Strum on.

Experience Matters.

With age comes widsom

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Halftime: The Summer of 1999

A true opportunity to re-charge my batteries for the 2nd half.

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Strum Consulting: 25 Years

25 years & 50+ clients. I am a fortunate man.

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Change is the status quo of life.

Embrace change. It’s coming whether you do or not.

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Tips= To Insure Prompt Service

To tip? And how much is right?

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It’s All Over.

I’ve played my last game. I think.

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A DJ Once More.

Nothing like “spinning discs” even if they are now digital

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States Rights and States Responsibilities.

With states power comes states responsibility

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How to Win an Online Argument

The secret to an important issue

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70 Isn’t the New Anything.

It’s good to be 70.

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